Accidental Activist

I was walking around recently, looking for a building that I never did find, when I chanced upon a group of people having a bit of a roadside demonstration; many had been living in an abandoned building but had been evicted.  They had pitched a few tents and set up home on a patch of grass outside an empty and abandoned office block.  They had been given warning to move on from there too, and by all accounts the magistrate was going to serve an eviction notice that day.  For reasons that should be too obvious to need to explain, homelessness is something very close to my heart and something deep inside me favours the underdog and likes to see humanity prevail over red tape and needless bureaucracy.  Seeing as I had already taken the time and energy to be in the area, I thought I would stick around and see what happened next.


A big box of chalks was handed round and many started writing slogans on the pavement.  I pointed out that with my leg in its current condition if I got down I probably wouldn't get back up again, so I provided support in the form of encouragement and answered a few spelling queries.  I am no grammar pedant and am dyslexic myself but can’t help but feel that campaign slogans of any nature lose a lot of impact if they are riddled with errors.  It is difficult to look like you are presenting a constructive and coherent argument when you are struggling to complete a sentence.



We passed some time chatting and swapping jokes before getting down to the more serious business of what to do when the magistrates arrived.  A lot of stuff needed moving so I volunteered my limited ability; literally lending a hand.  It left those more politically minded to focus on the protest proper.  In due course the magistrates arrived along with a security mob and police support.  The magistrate issued to eviction notice and gave 30 minutes notice to vacate (although vacating outdoors struck me as sounding a bit odd) and a stand-off ensued.  After a while I started to help move things as per previously discussed plans and it was during this that all seemed to break loose.  The protesters, spoiling for a fight, got one.  Much shouting ensued and one of the protesters, a lady in her late teens, was thrown into the adjacent road by one of the security mob.  This was all caught on camera as the local press had been invited and briefed.  The incident made the local news headlines, both printed and online.  After the dust had settled and heads had been counted I said my farewells and headed back to my usual spot.  I know where the group moved to and holed up, I might go and visit them sometime….