There are a number of events going on in the city centre this month, organised and run by the local university. Most of them are of little interest to me, or are only available to the public for a reasonable sum of money. There is one that really did pique my interest, though; it is a big art/science installation based around circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. Knowing as I do a thing or two about sleeping in different environments I wandered along to see what was to do. I was lucky enough to meet and have a long conversation with the artist who conceived the idea to get a real insight into her motivations and reasoning behind the installation. It is a 15 minute interactive experience which uses sounds, lights and smoke machines to apparently re-balance your sleep patterns. Whether it works or not is not a scientific debate but I definitely felt better for the experience. Perhaps I just enjoyed 15 minutes lazing in a very comfortable hammock (I am a sucker for hammocks, I have always loved them) with no weight on my feet or shoulders. I guess whatever means works for us it teaches the impact and importance of finding a little time each day to forget our stresses and worries and face the world afresh. If I learned 2 things from the experience it would be 1) I could have stayed in there all day (and after a couple of weeks on the streets it may be what I needed) and 2) If I could chose an ideal place to sleep it would be a tepee with a hammock in it. I am not sure how that would work architecturally but I could see myself with a hammock instead of a bed. Whatever your thoughts on that, just remember I never said I was conventional…..
I went back to the town hall to present myself to the council (that really doesn't sound right…) if nothing else just to let them know I am still here and still very much alive and well. I was subjected to a full homelessness assessment and was “processed” by at least half a dozen people which, including a lot of waiting around took literally all day. The result is that I will be indoors at night over the weekend, and back to the town hall first thing Monday morning to see what happens to me next. Where I am sleeping this weekend is not the penthouse suite at The Dorchester but it is warm, dry, soft and safe enough so I am not complaining. I might just take a mooch across town and see if I can bag me another 15 minute session in a hammock…..