A Spotted Pattern

Silly little things make me smile, and public reaction is one of those things.  I do enjoy a good bit of people watching – not in a leering, pervy or intrusive way – just quietly observing human behaviour from a discreet distance.  People are fundamentally creatures of habit.  Even in a situation they do not particularly like, they are still remarkably resistant to change, even for the better.  Here is a rough description of what I see on a nightly basis, the reasons for my amusement should become self-evident:


  • Person walks down the road in a perfectly normal manner not in any way of note or unusual.
  • Person spots homeless person and realises there is nowhere to hide.  They feel a sudden urge to put their hands in their pockets and look the other way.  Their gait changes slightly as they struggle to walk normally and quickly think of excuses at the same time.
  • Their pace quickens slightly as they get closer and it is too late to start putting on headphones or checking phones.  Besides, all homeless people are drug abusing, alcoholic robbers aren't they? So, best keep all that tech safely hidden.
  • Person takes a quick glance over and…. Oh no too late, the homeless person has seen them.  Their expression turns to panic as their hands cover their wallet and other valuables as they wonder how much money it takes to keep the slathering, rabid homeless person from attacking mercilessly.
  • Person trying desperately and failing miserably to “act normal and blend in” as they are now well within earshot and any moment now the demands for money will begin….
  • A look of confusion and bewilderment as the homeless person says and does nothing; no demands, no cup waving, no sob story….
  • Person looks visibly relaxed as they have successfully run the gauntlet of homeless person, even though the gauntlet looked happy enough and didn't ask for anything.
  • Person doubles back briefly after deciding that such passive behaviour from a homeless person deserves a small reward.










Actually, the last bit rarely happens (which is fine by me) but it does reinforce that when the wider community are so used to begging, they really don’t know what to do when it doesn't happen.  It is almost as if they are trying to figure out how the scam works or what the catch is.  There really isn't one – I am a person too and I appreciate that you just want to go about your business.  Enjoy, just so long as no homeless people get hurt in the process.